The Following Study Article Is Composed From Preliminary Legal Study Based Notes As I Progressively Step Through A Key Word Study On “The Cornerstone”.  All References Are To The KJV.

Brotherly love is to present one’s body as a living sacrifice , holy and acceptable to God , by His mercies See Rom 12:1 ;  it is to offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually through Jesus , by giving thanks to God’s name with the fruit of our lips See Heb 13:1, 15;  it is to forget not the sacrifice of doing good See Heb 13:1, 16;  and it is to forget not the sacrifice of communicating ( i.e. associating, partnering, participating in social intercourse )  See Heb 13:1, 16.  

Brotherly love is to not be conformed to this world , but be transformed by the renewing of one’s mind, in order to prove that good and acceptable will of God See Rom 12:1,2.

It is to be continuous See Heb 13:1;  and it is to continue instant in prayer See Rom 12:1,10,12 .

It is to remember that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today , and for ever See Heb 13:1, 8 .

It is to not be carried about with divers and strange doctrines ; for it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein; for we have an altar, whereof they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle, for the bodies of those beasts, whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin, are burned without the camp, wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate See Hebrews 13:1, 9 -12 ; and it is to go unto Jesus without the camp, bearing his reproach; for here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come See Hebrews 13: 1, 9-14.

Brotherly love is the fulfilling of the law See Rom 12:1, 10; 13:10;  it is to love one another, so fulfilling the law  See Rom 12:1, 10; 13: 8; 1 Thess 4:9and it is to follow the commandments and it is briefly comprehended by the saying, love thy neighbor as thyself See Rom Rom 12:1, 10; 13 : 9 .

Brotherly love is to love without dissimulation ( i.e hypocrisy) See Rom 12:1 , 9;  and it is to love one another in the brethren and increase in that love more and more  See 1 Thess 4:9-10 .

It is to be kindly affectioned one to another See Rom 12;1, 10 ;  and it is to in honor prefer one another See Rom 12:1,10 .

It is to be of the same mind one toward another ; minding not high things , but condescending to those of low estate and being not wise in your own conceits See Rom 12:1, 10;  and it is that one not think more highly of himself than he ought to think , but to think soberly , according as God has dealt to every man a measure of faith See Rom 12:1, 3 .

It is to understand that we are many members of one body in Christ and all members are members of one another See Rom 12:1, 3-5 ; and it is to understand that there are many members in the one body in Christ and that not all of the members have the same office ,  having gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us , such as prophecy, ministry, teaching, exhortation, giving, ruling ( i.e. presiding)  , and mercy See Rom 12:1, 4-8 .

Brotherly love is to walk honestly See Rom 12:1, 10;  it is to have a good conscience and live honestly See Heb 13:1, 18;  it is to provide things honest in the sight of all men See Rom 12 :1, 10, 17;  and it is to study to be quite , doing your own business and working with your own hands in order that you walk honestly toward them that are without the brethren and have the lack of nothing See 1 Thess 4:9-12.

It is to not steal, kill, bear false witness or covet See Rom 12:1, 10; 13: 9; 13:12,13;  and it is to let your conversation (i.e. conduct )  be without covetousness, and to be content such things that you have , for God has said that he will never leave or forsake thee in order that you may boldly declare, the Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me See Heb 13:1, 5 .

It is to owe no man anything See Rom 12:1, 10; 13 :8.

It is to not be slothful in business See Rom 12:1, 10, 11

It is to be fervent in spirit, serving the Lord See Rom 12:1, 10, 11.

Brotherly love is to make no provision for the flesh , to fulfill the lusts thereof See Rom. 12:1, 10; 13:14 .

It is to honor marriage and honor the undefiled marriage bed  See Heb 13: 1, 4 .

It is to not commit adultery See Rom. 12:1, 10; 13: 9;  and it is to abstain from whoremongering and adultery See Heb 13:1, 4 .

It is to avoid drunkenness, wantonness , chambering , strife and envying See Rom. 12:1, 10; 13: 13.

Brotherly love is to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep  See Rom 12:1, 10 , 15 , 16.

It is to remember those in the body that are in bonds , as bound with them  See Heb 13:1, 3 ;  and it is to remember them in the body which suffer adversity in the body , as bound with them . See Heb 13:1, 3, 4 .

It is to distribute to the necessity of saints See Rom 12:1,10, 13

It is to be given to hospitality See Rom. 12:1, 10 , 13.

It is to not forget to entertain strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels  See Heb 13:1, 2 .

It is to work no ill towards your neighbor See Rom 12:1, 10; 13:10.

It is to recompense no man evil for evil See Rom 12:1, 10, 17 ; and it is to be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good See Rom 12:1, 10 21.

It is to bless and not curse those who persecute you See Rom 12: 1 ,10, 14 .

It is to give food or drink to an enemy who needs food or water See Rom 12:1, 10, 20 .

It is not to avenge oneself, but rather give all wrath, vengeance and repayment to the Lord See Rom 12:1, 10, 19

It is to be patient in tribulation See Rom 12:1, 19, 12 .

Brotherly love to remember and follow the faith of those that have the rule over you, who have spoken to you the word of God  , considering the end of their conversation ( i.e conduct ) See Heb 13:1, 7;  it is to obey and submit to those higher powers ordained of God that have the rule over you , so that they may do it with joy and not with grief  , for they watch for your soul and they must give account See Heb 13:1, 17, ; Rom 13: 1;  and it is to be subject to, to not resist , and to render due tribute , custom, honor and fear to the higher powers that are ordained of God , ministers of God to you for good, those who are not a terror to do good works , but who rather praise good works and attend continually to bearing the sword and acting as revengers to execute wrath upon he who does evil  See Rom 12:1, 10; 13:1 -5 .

It is to live peaceably with all men if it is possible , as much as lieth in you  See Rom 12:1, 10, 18;  and it is so that the God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus , that great shepard of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant , make you perfect in every good work to do his will , working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. See Heb 13:1, 20,21 .

Brotherly love is that the brethren suffer the word of exhortation See Heb 13:1, 22 .

It is to abhor that which is evil and to cleave to what is good  See Rom 12:1, 9.

It is to cast off the works of darkness See Rom 2:1, 10; 13:12.

It is to put on the armour of light See Rom 12:1, 10; and it is to put on the Lord Jesus Christ See Rom 12:1, 10; 13:14 .

Brotherly love is one’s reasonable service to God  See Rom: 12:1 .


” Brotherly “

From Strong’s Concordance

The New Testament Greek

” Philadelphia” : fraternal affection – brotherly love ( kindness ) , love of the brethren